Tag Archives: Jang Ki Bum

GLove (2011): Scream and Listen From Your Heart

How many times have you heard about BASEBALL changing lives of people? A bat, a ball or a home run touching and moving hearts of many, piercing through lives and souls of people, teaching life lessons that one probably will never learn from textbooks? I’m sure most have and would have come across the sport at one point in time in life, either via RL viewing or playing experience, or from the TV. I myself ain’t no different. I don’t play it, neither do I know the basic rules of the sport, no matter how many times I’ve been taught or briefed about it, I just don’t get how it works. But there is one thing that I do know, it’s a beautiful sport encompassing one of the biggest crowds and fighting spirits ever (apart from football/soccer and tennis). It’s like crack, once you’re in it and invested, you’re a fan forever.

Like other prominent and well known sport films (such as Forever The Moment and National Representative just to name a few), GLove is by no means different. It revolves around the sport of baseball changing lives of different people, teaching them lessons that they would never have expected coming their way. A life inspiring story about charging forward without fear despite the burden of physical and mental restraints. And more than anything, a beautiful and heartwarming film depicting friendship, courage and trust.

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