Scent of a Woman Ep 9 BTS

Scent of a Woman! Can you stop melting my heart into puddles already?!!

Just when I thought nothing could ever touch JW and YJ’s tango scene in Ep 8 (the intensity, the gripping sexual and sensual chemistry..ooolala.. my heart pounds even as I type!), drama releases some more eye-grabbing stills to pique my interest.

Bike scenes are a commonplace in Korean drama (most recent? Heartstrings?). But never have I seen (in my entire life of watching K-drama) and never would I have expected a bike scene to be shot that way o_0.

My first reaction was, ermmmm… it must have been difficult for Wookie. Second reaction? That’s just major major major MAJOR sweetness! Gah, kill me already! XD

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